Session 2: Driving a “Build it Clean Keep it Clean” Culture on Offshore Major Capital Projects
Date & Time
Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Amanda Degenhardt Jacqueline Di Crisci
During Fabrication and Construction in the execution phase of Major Capital Projects (MCPs), the focus is typically on meeting schedule, and Contractors and Company alike have historically allowed a poor house-keeping culture to evolve as a tradeoff to fast delivery. Statistics, however, have shown that equipment and material failures due to water ingress, debris in systems, and poor preservation and protection have significantly impacted project cost and/or schedule and significant operational performance issues. “Build it Clean, Keep it Clean (BICKIC)” is a Chevron initiative that develops a culture where all functions work together to ensure equipment and materials are kept clean, dry, and adequately preserved and protected throughout the fabrication and construction process. The ultimate goal of BICKIC is to ensure a safe, efficient, and flawless start-up. The “Build it Clean, Keep it Clean” culture is one that has to be fostered and developed in collaboration between Company and Contractors and is founded on a sense of responsibility by all. This presentation will cover the business drivers behind the “Build it Clean, Keep it Clean” initiative, how Chevron is driving this culture within projects, including tools and systems that could be used to implement this on projects, as well similarities to the other safety culture building initiatives applied in the Oil and Gas Industry.
Location Name
Moody Hotel Ballroom Salons E-H
Submission Type