Full Name
Lars Ronning
Job Title
Manager, Facilities & Operations Support
Lars Ronning earned his Naval Architecture degree from the University of British Columbia in 1997. After graduating, Lars relocated to Houston and worked for ABS, doing hydrodynamic- and station-keeping analyses. He then broadened his experience while working for Alan C. McClure Associates. The opportunity to travel attracted him to ConocoPhillips where he had the opportunity to “go behind the scenes” of big oil and gas development projects, working primarily on the marine transportation needs of the projects. An exciting opportunity enticed Lars back to his native Norway, where he established an advanced hydrodynamics group within Aker Solutions in his hometown of Bergen. The chance to work in early field development planning lured Lars and his family back to Houston where he works for Equinor in their US Offshore Facilities group. In his current role, he primarily looks after Equinor’s interests in partner-operated developments and supports the Equinor-operated Titan facility in the Gulf of Mexico.
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